Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I've been MIA! - One Sick Little One with HFM

Sorry for no posts lately kids! I've had one sick little monster and a very hectic few weeks with work... but time to get back on this blog... there is so much to catch up on!

First... Hand Foot Mouth Disease... Really?? My poor little thing isn't even in daycare and hasn't been around any children. Luckily she has a very mild case and is still recuperating now. She finally got that little smile back today which makes mommy feel much better about it!

My advice on this post is regarding her being sick. A VERY good tip that I just picked up on...

As most of us know, any baby around 6 months to 1 year and a half is fascinated with everything you eat and drink. Well mommy's baby girl was not drinking anything! I tried bottles, sippy cups, juice, water, formula, Pedialyte, even putting anything in a glass to drink. I wasn't getting anywhere!

The advice I received was to put whatever it is you want them to drink in a glass with some ice and a straw. Pretend like it's your drink that you're drinking. Then... use the straw by sitting it in the glass and putting your finger on the top to hold in the drink and give it to them. Most babies LOVE sharing Mommy and Daddy's drinks, especially from a straw. This did the trick!! I finally got some fluids in her and she was happy to take them.

Another suggestion that I haven't tried yet is to freeze whatever you want them to drink into a popsicle shape for them to suck on. I feel like they could lose a lot of the fluid that way though so I may try that in another day or so when I'm not so worried about her intake. I'll let everyone know how it goes!!

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